Updated to <b>DayZ Patch v0.61</b>
Central for DayZ aims to bring together quality information, maps and guides created by the DayZ community, all packaged into a fast, polished and simple to use app.
<b>Loot Database - </b>Comprehensive and regularly updated Database containing Ammunition, Attachments, Buildings, Clothing, Consumables, Equipment, Vehicles, Weapons, and Wildlife within DayZ (including full Search and Weapon sounds)
<b>HD Maps of Chernarus Plus - </b>High Resolution Satellite and Topographic maps, including:
• <b>Loot, Building, and Vehicles locations</b> - Crash Sites, Industrial, Landmarks, Medical, Military, Player Spawns, Urban, Rural, Vehicles, and Water Sources [PRO]
• <b>DZC Sync</b> - Real-time syncing of waypoint markers with other Android devices, incl. group chat
• <b>Multi-point Measuring Tool</b> - Displays distance, ETA running or sprinting, and compass direction
<b>Crafting - </b> Fully searchable list of recipes to craft various different items the game has to offer
<b>Comparison Tables - </b>Compare all items in the database in easy to read tables
<b>Side-by-Side Compare -</b> Compare items side-by-side and figure out which is the better take [PRO]
<b>Various Guides - </b>Including Blood, Game Controls, Status Effects, Survival, and much more
<b>Completely Ad-free - </b>Who needs 'em
Awesome thanks to <b>DayZWiki</b> & <b>DayZDB</b> for the content, the <b>Community</b> for helping out so much, and <b>Dan Clarke</b> for the DZC logos!
Please email feedback@skunkfu.net for help with any suggestions, bugs or issues. Thanks!
Feature graphic credit: <b>amstoneberger</b> (reddit)
Central for DayZ is an unofficial application. All maps, images, and sounds of items are obtained from publicly available sources, and are viewed freely within the app.
Copyright © 2017 Bohemia Interactive. All Rights Reserved. - http://www.bistudio.com/
DayZ created by Dean Hall © 2012-2017 - http://www.dayz.com/</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>